Jeppesen/Jeppesen Navigation Charts

Jeppesen 항공 용어 사전 Definitions (41)

해브어굿원 2023. 12. 7. 14:02
    • Secondary Radar : 레이더국(radar station)으로부터 송신된 무선 신호가 다른 레이더국으로부터 무선 신호의 송신을 발생시키는 것을 특징으로 하는 레이더 시스템.
    • Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR) : 송신기/수신기(질문기) 및 트랜스폰더를 사용하는 감시 레이더 시스템(체제).
    • Segment Minimum Altitude (SMA), or Segment Minimum Safe Altitude (SMSA) : 비정밀 접근 방식의 각 구간(segment)에서 obstacle clearance를 최소화하는 altitude. Segment minimum (safe) altitude는 "do not descend below(아래로 내려가지 않음)" altitude로 간주될 수 있으며 일정한 rate 또는 stabilized descent를 용이하기 위해 특별히 개발된 procedure altitude보다 낮을 수 있음.
    • Segments of an Insturment Approach Procedure : 계기 접근 절차(instrument approach procedure)는 접근 절차(approach procedure)의 구조에 따라 최대 4개의 개별 segment를 가질 수 있음.

  ICAO -

 a. Initial Approach -  Initial approach fix와 intermediate approach fix 또는 해당되는 경우, final approach fix 혹은 point 사이의 instrument approach procedure의 해당 구간(segment).

 b. Intermediate Approach - 적절한 경우, intermediate approach fix와 final approach fix or point 사이, 혹은 reversal, race track or dead reckoning track procedure의 끝과 final approach fix or point 사이의 instrument approach procedure의 해당 구간(segment).

 c. Final Approach - landing을 위한 alignment 및 하강이 수행되는 instrument approach procedure의 해당 구간(segment).

 d. Missed Approach Procedure - Approach를 계속할 수 없는 경우 따라야 할 procedure.


  FAA -

 a. Initial Approach - Initial approach fix와 intermediate approach fix 또는 intermediate course or final course에 항공기가 establish 되는  point 사이의 구간(segment).

 b. Intermediate Approach - Intermediate fix or point와 final approach fix 사이의 구간(segment).

 c. Final Approach - Final approach fix or point와 runway, airport, or missed approach point 사이의 구간(segment).

 d. Missed Approach Procedure - Missed approach point, or decision height에 도달한 point와 prescribed altitude에 있는 missed approach fix 사이의 구간(segment).

  • Segregated Parallel Operation : 하나의 활주로가 approach 전용으로 사용되고, 다른 하나의 활주로는 departure 전용으로 사용되는 평행 또는 평행에 가까운 instrument runway에서의 동시 운용.

    •  Secondary Radar : A radar system wherein a radio signal transmitted from a radar station initiates the transmission of a radio signal from another station.
    • Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR) : A surveillance radar system which uses transmitters/receivers (interrogators) and transponders.
    • Segment Minimum Altitude (SMA), or Segment Minimum Safe Altitude (SMSA) : An altitude that provides minimum obstacle clearance in each segment of a non-precision approach. Segment minimum (safe) altitude can be considered "do not descend below" altitudes and can be lower than procedure altitudes which are specifically developed to facilitate a constant rate or stabilized descent.
    • Segments of an Instrument Approach Procedure : An instrument approach procedure may have as many as four separate segments depending on how the approach procedure is structured.


 a. Initial Approach - That segment of an instrument approach procedure between the initial approach fix and the intermediate approach fix or, where applicable, the final approach fix or point.

 b. Intermediate Approach - That segment of an instrument approach procedure between either the intermediate approach fix and the final approach fix or point, or between the end of a reversal, race track or dead reckoning track procedure and the final approach fix or point, as appropriate.

 c. Final Approach - That segment of an instrument approach procedure in which alignment and descent for landing are accomplished. 

 d. Missed Approach Procedure - The procedure to be followed if the approach cannot be continued.



 a. Initial Approach - The segment between the initial approach fix and the intermediate fix or the point where the aircraft is established on the intermediate course or final course.

 b. Intermediate Approach - The segment between the intermediate fix or point and the final approach fix. 

 c. Final Approach - The segment between the final approach fix or point and the runway, airport or missed approach point.

 d. Missed Approach - The segment between the missed approach point, or point of arrival at decision height, and the missed approach fix at the prescribed altitude. 

  • Segregated Parallel Operation : Simultaneous operations on parallel or near-parallel instrument runways in which one runway is used exclusively for approaches and the other runway is used exclusively for departures.

※ Introduction To Jeppesen Navigation Charts For Air Carrier Operations (5 AUG 22) 해석

